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Huaai Preparatory Academy (HPA) is a pioneer in the practice of integrating Chinese and Western education and aspires to lead the future of education. Through the merger of Chengdu International School-Zhonghai Campus (CDES) and Meten Preparatory Academy (MPA) in 2022, Huaai Preparatory Academy has been expanding its team with both domestic and international talents, with the goal of becoming one of the premier international schools in China. HPA provides a 12-year continuous education from primary to high school.
In addition to the national compulsory education curriculum, the lower school at HPA offers a diverse range of foreign language courses, arts, physical education, and technology courses. The upper school at HPA provides a variety of high-quality programs, including a joint program with The Independent School, a National Blue-Ribbon School in Kansas, United States, and the A-Levels program.
★ 美国堪萨斯州独立学校中国校区
★ 美国蓝带(Blue Ribbon)学校
★ 美国ISACS认证学校
★ 美国国际学校认证机构Cognia认证
★ 美国大学理事会AP教学及考试中心(CEEB代码:694781)
★ 美国Niche排名A+级学校
★ Edexcel爱德思考试局授权考试中心(授权号:96936)
★ 剑桥大学英语考评部官方授权CX115考点华爱学校分考点
★ 滑铁卢大学数学与计算机教育中心授权考点
★ 阿思丹(ASDAN)战略合作伙伴学校
★ HOSA生物与健康未来领袖挑战生物健康教育模范学校
★ NAQT学术超级碗模范学校
★ BPA商业全能挑战官方认证学校
★ Brain Bee 国际脑神经科学大赛合作示范学校
★ NEC全美经济学挑战赛经济教育新星学校
At the same time, HPA has been certified by many international and domestic authoritative institutions, allowing children to access high-quality overseas educational resources without leaving the country. The authoritative accreditations also facilitate global prestigious university applications:
Certificate of Cognia Accreditation
Advanced Placement Teaching and Examination Center(CEEB Code 694781)
The Chengdu Campus of the Independent School
Niche Ranking A+ schools
Edexcel Examination Center (Center Number 96936)
Exam Center CX115 Authorized by Cambridge Assessment English
The Exam Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) at the University of Waterloo
HOSA-Future Health Professionals Health Science Education Model School
NAQT Quiz Bowl Model School
Business Professionals of America Official Certified School
Brain Bee Collaborative Demonstration Schools
NEC Economics Education Rising Star School
Official Examination Center Affiliated to AMC/BBO/Spelling Bee/NEA/MATH KANGAROO
HPA focuses on personalized development, helping every child explore their passions and discover their unlimited potential.
The middle school curriculum is both challenging and inspiring. It continues the chinese-English bilingual teaching model implemented in primary school. At this stade, more than 85% of the courses wil use English as the main language of instruction, emphasizing the enhancement of English proficiency in academic applicotion.The middle school curriculum is taught in small classes with no more than 25 students per class.
During this critical teenage period, our middle school curriculum not only promotes intellectual development but also actively cultivates emotional and social skills as well as physical health.
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The high school curriculum at Huaai Preparatory Academy focuses on cultivating students’ global perspectives and inquiry-based learning abilities, Most subiects of the high school curriculum are conducted in English, with a depth and breadth of English application approaching that of native speakers, which will lay a good foundation of language skills and pave the way for cultural adaptation for students’ upcoming overseas life.
The high school curriculum adopts the AP and A-Level curriculum system, featuring small-class teaching with over 50 subjects available. Most subjects offer two or more dificulty levels for students to choose from, and the average class size is kept within 15 students. The high school follows a modular course selection model, allowing each student to plan their four-year high school academic path based on their intended college major, academic strengths and weaknesses, and personal interests. This enables students to focus their energy and time on academic areas they enioy and excel in, fostering confidence as they enter university campuses.
Empowering Students by Love to Drive Self-growth
在华爱融合学院,上课和作业只是日常的一部分。英文戏剧节、新年音乐会、Spirit Day主题换装日、品格塑造之旅、趣味运动会……还有飞盘、篮球、涂鸦、滑板、舞蹈、乐队等各项社团活动火热开展,全面激发同学的兴趣。
All non-academic activities at HPA are delegated to students for organization, planning, and implementation, allowing them to think creatively and solve various problems effectively.
At HPA, classes and assignments are just a part of daily life. From English drama festivals, New Year concerts, Spirit Day, and Character-building journeys to fun sports days and various club activities such as Frisbee, Basketball, Graffiti, Skateboarding, Dance, Band, etc., are all in full swing, comprehensively igniting students' interests."
The outstanding variety of past activities showcases that within the academy's open and autonomous atmosphere, children do not indulge recklessly. Instead, they have more opportunities to reflect and understand themselves better. Through these experiences, students' leadership, communication skills, and professional abilities have all notably improved.
▲ HPA毕业生获得独立学校成绩单和毕业证
HPA graduates obtain transcripts and diplomas from The Independent School
华爱融合学院与美国独立蓝带学校The Independent School联合办学,采用美国蓝带学校教学体系,所修学分, 成绩单和毕业证受全球高校认可。
结合AP(Advanced Placement)美国大学先修课程,HPA的AP课程设置涵盖了国内较受欢迎的各大热门课程,包括:AP经济学、AP微积分、AP物理、AP统计学、AP化学、AP计算机原理等,同时也包含了科学,艺术,语言等方向及难度较高的顶石类课程,累计开设18门。
▲ HPA学子科学展成果展示
HPAers' Science Fair achievements
If you are inspired by the educational philosophy of HPA, we sincerely invite you to attend our School Open Day and immerse yourself in the campus life of HPAers.
活动时间 Time
December 14th, 2024(Sat.) 9:00-15:30
来访预约 Reservation
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