©Designed by Ashley - the President of MPA Student Council
弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙 1931 年创作的长篇小说《海浪》中曾说:“我有根,但我流动”,我觉得这句话十分适合现在的我们想对MPA表达的感情——以一种诗意的、抽象的方式表达内心独白,这样绵密的情感就如同海浪,拍打在每一个人的心里,发出一阵阵悠长的回响。
最后,我们诚挚地邀请每一位陪伴、见证了MPA成长的朋友,于2022年3月18日来到METEN PREPARATORY ACADEMY参加告别派对,具体的流程安排如下:
©MPA Farewell Party Arrangement - MPA告别派对安排
郫都区菁蓉湖畔风景如画、水色秀丽,交通便利。学校依湖而建,占地 50 亩、建筑面积 8.5万平方米,按“自然、开放、灵动、和谐”的理念设计;地铁 2、6、12 号线与成都市第一条有轨电车通过,同时串联起周围的索尼、华为、英特尔、西门子等高新企业。“未来,这将被建成一所融合了全球化理念与中国精神的没有“围墙”的校园——设想整个 445 亩的湖区都将被延展为“校园”,整个亿万级的核心商务区的科技思维也被融入到“课程”,那环境与科技将为科技赋什么样的能?”。
Since the official announcement of HUAAI school was founded, it has attracted the attention of all parents, and the school's management team is particularly amazing. Wang Haiying, former Secretary of the general Party branch and vice president of Jiaxiang (Jinjiang campus), a famous private school in Chengdu, served as the founding principal, and Lin Jiarui, former principal of Chengdu Zongbei primary school and principal of Hamilton Luhu primary school, served as the executive principal. In addition to the two principals, Luo Ming, chairman of huatongcheng education group, Luo Yan, general manager of Sichuan housing industry group, school level cadres of Huaai school and relevant leaders of Deyuan Street attended and witnessed the opening of the school.
©Chengdu Pidu Huaai School
The combination of Chinese and Western cultures and the combination of strong and strong countries are determined to build a top international private school - "Huaai school", which is based in Chengdu, looks at the whole country and goes to the world. Its birth and talent are determined by its genes - many people can't pronounce its name well because they don't know the connotation, determination and educational mission of these two names.
©Chengdu Pidu Huaai School
For now, HPA as a part of Huaai School is committed to introducing a leading Northern American education system, integrating global education resources, and cultivates outstanding citizens and talents with a well-rounded character who own humanistic feelings and scientific spirit.